Saturday, 20 November 2004

cryptic writings#18

If I could have my wasted days back

Would I use them to get back on track

Tried to warn my karma's burning

Look ahead but keep on turning

Do I have the strength?

Or do I let go?

Can I find it inside to do what I should have known

If I could have my waste days back

Would I use them to get back on track?


My lifestyle detemines my deathstyle

Keep searching

This search goes on

On and on

Im frantic tic tic tic tic tic toc


Ive worn out always being afraid

In this stream of fear that ive made

Treading water Im full of worry

This frantic tic tic toc of hurry

Do I have the stength?

Or do I let go?

Can I find it inside to deal with what I should have done?

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