Bare with me, this is going to be piss and moan central!
On Wednesday of last week, so little fucking scroat bag stole my sack barrow from just outside my van. I was in the van moving a few boxes around and left the barrow outside. This was at a fucking school aswell. Fucking kids!!
I was in a perfectly good mood today until I got back to the office this afternoon, then the dark clouds came down very quickly. Thrush and Ting Tong are still just being annoying and thick cunts, Flagpole Knickers ( who's usually ok ) is being a thick cunt aswell.....Example
FP: Shall I put these books on Mondays shelf?
Me : What day are they going out?
F.P: Wednesday
Me : Is the any room on Wednesday's shelf?
FP: Ermm yeah
Me: Well put it on fucking Wednesday shelf then!!!
Fuck me it's not rocket science!!! I got a bit shirty after this and everything seemed to get to me. What really pisses me off is when I get shouted at for stuff that hasn't been packed and sent out.
A: It's not my job, it's Nick's
B: I really couldn't give a flying fuck to be honest...I really couldn't.
Nick has to pack the books that I'm taking, pack the stuff that's going by the courier, pack the stuff thats going by post, and occasionaly send out some clear stickers in boxes, which all have to be made up. The courier and post stuff takes a while, as you have to work out the postage and fill out paperwork for them, so it takes much longer than normal. The label machine is often in use by other people, so that takes longer to get to. I asked Chav Bird to do some but was answered with " I dont get time to do them "...yeah LIKE I'VE GOT ALL THE FUCKING TIME IN THE WORLD TO DO IT!!!!. This with her also sending stuff over that hasn't even been put in the system, and with no address on the docket so you cant even put them on the computer yourself. So tonight I just dumped the box and the docket on her desk and fucked off home. She had already given my the shits, by watching and laughing next to me while a load of books fell down and hit me in the face. I nearlly re-enacted the box throwing incident by throwing the books all over the place.
Major Chaos I've now renamed Major Fuckup after the amount of howlers she's been making. How she's kept her job I dont know, if it had been anyone else they would have got the bullet ages ago. The Spitmeister has kept his nose out at least.
It's a good job, it's just a shame that 80% of the people that work there are useless talentless shit stiring back stabbing cunts!!!
On a better note, I've just got myself a new mobile phone. The old one was great, but I've gone back onto contract and got myself a Samsung F700. I wanted an IPhone, but after reading the reviews on it, they seem shit, plus this and the fact the thieving fucks want £280 on top of the contract for it, they can go swing.
I booked my Mum some tickets to see Status Quo up at Rochester Castle in July. I'm trying to get out of it id I'm honest. I've seen them 22 or 23 times already,and I know the set list as well as they do.
I've got a very large bottle of Lowenbrau on the go, which will be followed by a large bottle of Budvar. I need to drown my sorrows.