Friday 7 March 2008

Horrible Eye Thing

The eye test thing yesterday was horrid. I think I failed the eye test miserably, I couldn't read the bottom three lines of the chart. After that they put some horrid stuff in my eyes to make my pupils go big ( excellent use of grammer! ). I tell ya, I couldn't see a fucking thing, my vision was blurry and it gave me a bastard headache, and three fucking hours it took to sort itself out.

Anyway, it has kicked of major style at work. Major Chaos ( joke ) has been fucking up beyond belief and as she has a nasty habit of trying to blame every other cunt but herself, she is starting to make many people shit itch! The spitmeister has been sticking his nose into where it's not desired or required, pushing work through that could have waited, and wanting it delivered infront of everything else. Also he was going over Natalie's head,and as she's head of opperations and its her job to organise that stuff, it caused her to have a quite major stress out. As for Mrs Thrush and Ting Tong...don't get me fucking started on them...they both need to fuck off...and preferably as far away from me as possible! If Natalie walks ( which she nearly did this morning ) I would walk aswell, and I don't think I could handle the place if Major Chaos was in full charge again.

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