Wednesday, 2 March 2005

What the fuck is going on with the weather?

Last night on the way home from work, it was absolutely hammering it down with rain, today i wake up and its snowing hard and everything is white. They said yesterday that the snow was gone for another year and that it was just going to rain. Oh well, added bonus for us. I might get the camera out and take some photo's from the top of bluebell hill. Its very hight up on the north downs, and from the top you can see 30 or 40 miles on a clear day, its a loverly place to walk the dogs.

Not much happened at work yesterday, we have some new agency temps started. One is VERY good looking, and we have a couple of Polish lads in. I was chatting to one yesterday and it was facinating to find out about his culture and stuff. We had an Afganistani work with us for a couple of years, and he was a loverly friendly lad, really really nice, and he used to join in with us and he was very excepted by all us full timers. Him and me used have some long conversations about his home land, I could'nt say his name so we used to call Dave!! Some of the foreigners weve had in though have just been rude arrogant cunts though, they've made no attempt at all to fit in with us.

Things are looking good at the moment at work. We thought we were being shut down after the take over last year, but it appears  that the site is going to get bigger and we are going to have an abatoir and everything. I dont fancy working in there though.We shall see how it goes.


Anonymous said...

I am all pissed up about this weather !


Anonymous said...

Close...should read pissed off about the weather..pissed up = to be drunk