Sunday 30 October 2005

Farting at the Theatre

I went to see my neice in her dance show last night. For the second year running I failed to notice her and had to ask which one she was. They all looked the same so it was hard to tell the difference between them. She was really good, as were all the performers. My favorite bit though was when they did a Disney section, and they had all these kids dressed up as lions and tigers ( and bears oh my!! ) doing little dances to the Jungle book and the Lion King. They were only about 4 or 5 years old and they were really sweet.

During the performance I had a bad stomach cramp and needed to let some gas go as it were, so I waited until a loud section of the show and let one rip. No one will notice I thought...but it stunk unfortunatly. I tried to blame someone else but I was rumbled..never mind!!


Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO...HAHA..SEE THE STINKY ONES ALWAYS GET YOU CAUGHT!!!!!! Glad you had a good time at the show..always cute to see the little kids dancing and enjoying themselves.

Anonymous said...

LOL...thats funny Stew.  I'm glad you enjoyed the show.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Eugh LOL...........Ahhh bless the 4 and 5 year olds.