Friday, 22 April 2005

Another week over

Well another eventfull week over and done with. Its been an odd couple of days, Ozzy has been ill so ive been really worried about him, and Lee got hold of me yesterday telling me he tried to kill himself over last weekend. He said that over 3 days he was doing speed balls and taking ketamin, which apparantly is a horse tranqualiser.On top of that he drank 3 litres of vodka and had been awake for 3 days. As you can imagine I really didn't know what to say to him. I sort of managed tp pipe up with " Well that was fucking silly wasn't it" I dont think it was what he was looking for as a responce but there you go. Its certainly not going to get me to go back to him.

Apart from that, its been a fairly good week, Ive seen my Antony lots and we are going really well together. I love him....i really really love him

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