Tuesday, 5 September 2006

Part Deux!

So today really wasn't any better than yesterday, other than my rental van worked. I encountered every miserable fucking caretaker today, one of them nearly got a a mouthfull off me, he really pissed me off.

My manager ( in her infinate wisdom again ) surgested that I take my car down the van hire firm, so when I take it back I can get my car and go straight home. They decided to keep it another day and have someone help me out. Unfortunatly, she phoned the wrong number and I didn't get the message, so I took the van back only to be told that we were keeping it. She was very sheepish when I got back, especially when I started to moan about my car. I'm supposed to finish at 5, but they didn't take me down there until 10 past, and I didn't get my car until 25 past. I got home just before 6, not a happy camper.

Lets hope tomorrow is better. I dont want to piss and moan in here again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Piss and moan, its your journal!!!