Sunday, 29 January 2006

A Week Off

Its been a strange old week really. I've been relaxing a lot, and practicing my golf swing up the driving range. It's just felt a little odd because I've not been on holiday and I've not been working, like being in limbo i suppose!!. I've caught up with a few people this week and just chilled out and watched telly.

I've been out over the weekend with Lee in the pub. He's very stressed with his job and I've been stressed with starting this new job, so things have beena little tense. We are ok now, I've been with him this evening and we are ok I'm happy to say.

I start the new job in the morning. I've got to be up at 6, and I fucking hate getting up early. We are going for training for a couple of days in Hatfield. We are getting bussed up there, so at least I haven't got to drive it and I can have a sleep on the coach. I'm looking forward to it, but at the same time I'm very nervous. I'll let you know how I get on.

Saturday, 21 January 2006


Ive just come back from my driving assessment, and I'm pleased to say that I passed it and have a new job!! I start on the 30th, so I now have a week off to recharge my battery's after the whole Safeway/ Morrisons affair.

I'm very happy. Very happy indeed. My redundancy money is all mine now to do with as I wish. I'm still upset about leaving all my work buddies, but a few start with me at this new job, infact I start on the same day as my mate Ian, so at least there will be someone I know on the first day.

So off to the pub tonight to celebrate!!

Friday, 20 January 2006

End of an era

Today was my last day at work. I've just got home and I've just had a good cry to myself. It was so sad leaving Craig and all my other shift mates, who I've been with for the last 10 years. Its strange to think that all I've known work wise has gone and I've got to start again. We started clering the place out over the last couple of weeks.We are down to 5000 pallets left in the raking, thats down from the 14,000 that we had at the start of last week. It's horrible to see it that empty and in  some ways I'm quite glad that I didn't decide to stay on and help clear the place right out. Its over.

Onto new things. I fucked up. My driving assesment is tomorrow and not last Saturday as I thought it was. Hopefully I will be ok and get it. My mate Ian did and he starts on the 30th. That would be good for me as I get to have a week off before that starts.

Craig and me are going to play golf on Monday after he finish's ( he's staying on ) and I'm going to see Chas and Dave ( My American friends, Dont worry about who they are, they are a South London band ) on Wednesday night at Jumping Jacks. Its going to be such a laugh!! I might even hav a beer or ten!!

Monday, 16 January 2006

Brokeback Mountain

Has anyone else seen Brokeback Mountain yet?  We went to see it last night, and I thought it was the biggest pile of crap I've seen in my life..well..apart from Judgement Day that is. It was such a slow film that seemed to keep going round and round in circles. I got the very deep and hidden meaning to it, but it could have been done better.

Its been a strange weekend. I'm still upset about work, but I've been going back down the pub more with Lee, and I seem to be back with all my friends again. It's like it was 3 years ago before I got ill, but better. My life is changing so much at the moment, I'm back with Lee, Antony has got a new boyfriend, all my works mates are splitting up and going seperate ways, its all to much to take in. Saying that though, if I do get this job and things settle down, then I think things will be ok. It looks like things are going back tom how they used to be. I used to like it like that.

Friday, 13 January 2006

A Sad Day

Its been a very sad day today. A lot of my very close friends at work went on the first wave of redundancy's. It was so hard saying goodbye to so many people that I have spent nearly every day with for the last ten years. I'm going to really miss them, and I had a tear in my eye as I said goodbye to them. Rob was choaked up to, and he's a big strong lad, but we could barely talk to one another when he went. Its so sad, but life goes on. Ive got another week then I go. Its going to be awfully sad next week.

On a better note, I passed the first part of my interview, and I have my driving assesment next Saturday morning. I'm looking forward to it really, I think I'm going to like my new job if I get it. New year and a new change in life

Tuesday, 10 January 2006

Another Perfect Day!!

Poxy weekend I've had!!

First thing!!

My fucking computer went belly up big styles on Friday night. Ive lost absolutely everything, all my holiday photo's and days out photo's, all my music files and all my video files. So on Sunday, Mum ( bless her ) lent me the money to go and get a new one. Its very cool and very smart not to mention very fast!!

Second Thing!!

I went out in the car on Saturday and my front ball joint went on the car. To top this off..i got pulled over by the old bill because one of my brake lights was out..and he was such a tosser aswell.

Third Thing!!

On Monday I officially got made redundant from work. As you know this has come as no surpise, but it still really pissed me off when it happened. Now thwey are being wankers and making us wait to get out final redundancy payment letters. I wan to know what im going to get and I want to fucking know NOW!!

Next Friday is my last day, and the bastards are going to make us work a full shift!!

Fourth Thing!!

I come home tonight and turn on my computer,and my little bastard nephew has managed to delete 3 program file form my computer already. He's such a shit. He kept doing it to my last one and I think he had a lot to do with it fucking up. So im going to ban him from using it.

On a better note though. I had an interview for a job today, so hopefully I'll get a phone call in the next couple of days saying Im through to the second interview..fingers crossed!!

Wednesday, 4 January 2006

Belated New Year!!

Sorry for the lateness of it all but HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

The reason its so late is that there is so much going on at the moment I cant think properly. New years eve was a laugh. Lee had to go home early because he came down with food poisoning, there was a punch up in the pub ( a gay one at that ), me and my mate Mike pulled all the feather bowers off the stage and threw them in the audiance, then we ripped down the backdrop and threw that off to, and to top it off, some silly fat queen sat on the table with the buffet on and snapped it, so there he was covered in sausage rolls and cheese sandwich's!!

In 2 weeks time im getting made redundant. I've been looking for jobs and I've got an interview next week. Its nothing great really. Its delivering food to people's house when they do internet shopping. Apparantly..Cliff Richard is a client!!

I'm half scared of losing my job, and half looking forward to it. I've not had an interview for 10 years and it all seems a bit scary.

I'll get by though