Monday, 13 November 2006


I hate Mondays, always have. I hate Wedesdays more as it means you've already done two days at work but still have two more to do.

Anyway, Saturday night I went to see a Thin Lizzy tribute act up the Beacon Court. Fucking good they were to.They are the only ones that the real Thin Lizzy have seen and approve of. They were good and loud and the whole place was really rocking. They played Still in Love With You and I had a little tear in my eye ( and I was sober!! ) Definatly one of the best cover bands I've seen. Them and Deeply Purple.

I spent most of yesterday clearing up dog sick and shit. Poor Ozzy had a really bad tummy he had the shits really badly..poor little sausage, I didn't know what to do to help him, so I just cuddled him all day.

I'm going to have a fairly quiet weekend this week, then next Friday night its Motorhead at folkstone. I wasn't going to stand at the front infront of the P.A. again, but I think I shall..haha


Anonymous said...

hiya mate glad to hear from you again i hope your wee dog is ok


Anonymous said...

Ooooooo motorhead huh??  Hope you'll have fun, you need to make the most of it so definitely stand by the PA ;-)  That's what I reckon anyway lol  I know what you mean about Wednesdays
