Sunday, 5 November 2006

What the Chuff?

I'm better now. I've still not got the results of the ultra sound ,but the swelling has gone down and I'm eating properly again. The new tablets are working well so it seems and i'm looking a lot better.

Things are a miss at work with a new contract that's being thrown about, and a few things that are a miss in it. I've been doing some digging around on my old union website and have come up with some good things. Information for everyone here " A contract is binding by both parties. This means it is unlawful to for one party to vary the terms and conditions in the contract without the agreement of the other " So remember that if they try anything funny!!


Anonymous said...

hiya mate glad to your are feeling better and its great to read your blog again, i have to admit i did fear the worst


Anonymous said...

Glad to see you are feeling better and u go boy with the investigative work!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad your feelin' better :)  I hope the work situation works itself out xx
