Monday, 29 January 2007

Still Tired

I'm still tired, both emotionaly and physically. Its been a funny week, but why sometimes to make yourself happy do you have no alternative but to piss someone off? It wasn't deliberate, but something had to give , and its a huge gamble on my part. If it works it will give me the peace and happiness that I want so much, but I've had to endure a shitstorm tonight, that in fairness I knew was coming, but doesn't make any easier. The saying is I'm caught between a rock and a hard place. No matter what decition I made, I was going to hurt someone.

Anyway, I went to the pub and got shitfaced on Saturday night, after getting myself a new guitar in the afternoon, and seeing an actor that was in the last Harry Potter film in my local town. Last night I went to Greenwich in London and saw telly doctor Dr. David Bull. He used to be an agony doctor on Live and Kicking kids show , and now he does Most Haunted live shows. What a wanker he is though, talking loudly and looking round to see who was looking at him...Cunt!!

Very hard day at work today, not so much in the amount of drops I had to do, but the shear amount that I had to deliver to a couple of drops. Neither of the 2 big ones were easy to do and it was really heavy going lugging this shit about. Tomorrow isnt looking any easier either, 18 drops. I'm sure Lindsay thinks I'm a fucking magician sometimes with the amount she gives me to do, and when I say something, she either goes all quiet or mutters something under her breath. She's a useless shit sometimes, and since I was told the other day that she is NOT my supervisor as was first thought, I can say a bit more about what she wants me to do. I've already pissed her off and changed to routes round a bit. Barry ( who did the job before me ) was very good at it, but he was very set in his ways, I like to do the job my way, and think I can improve the way the rounds are worked out so its more cost effective for the company. I presented my proposal to the guvner and he liked it and approved it, but she doesn't like it one bit and I have to keep checking what they are putting down to go out. Julia is helping me though, and she has gripped what Im doing and is getting Lindsay to listen and adjust. We'll get there though.

All in all its just another brick in the Pink Floyd once sung.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great photos ~ you lazy git at work ;)  I like that your getting on Lindsay's nerves by making the company better.  it's the best idea lol......... Yeah pink floyd not that twat eric prydz or whoever has remade it *ugh*
